Aenictus dlusskyi Arnol'di
Type location Armenia
(Aenictus dlusskyi sp. n.,
Arnol'di, 1968, worker & queen) Dzhrvezh near Yerevan,,
No. 1040,
G. Dlussky - see CASENT0919640 below
Aktaç et al's (2004) analysis is at 
In the latter is "We found only several more or less
distinct differences
between these species: A. rhodiensis
has lower and narrower
postpetiole than A. dlusskyi (PPI1
0.95–1.06, mean
= 0.99 versus 0.81–0.94, mean = 0.88; PPI2 1.24–1.36, mean
= 1.31 versus 1.12–1.22, mean = 1.18), and differences in
the shape of ventral petiolar processes. This process in A.
dlusskyi is
somewhat less developed and forming sharp
teeth anteriorly while in A.
rhodiensis it is somewhat
wider and blunt anteriorly (compare Figs 2–4 and 5–7).
The species also slightly differ by the density and length
of body hairs, shape of head and alitrunk, colour, etc., but
these features are quite variable and impossible to say this
might be intra-, or interspecific variation".