Santschi's (1915c) description is -
MALE - TL 4.5; forewing 3.8 mm. Head, seen from above, two and a half
times wider than long, slightly concave anteriorly. Cervical border
rather concave, sides forward of the eyes and between the ocelli and
the eyes slightly convex. Eyes smaller than fuscovarius. Ocelli
small, laterals set twice their diameter away from median. Mandibles
three times as long as the basal width, without teeth, internal edge
slightly concave. Scape short, lobed apically before the exterior
joint. Funiculus segments 3-8 longer than wide, apical segment strongly
conical. Petiole two-thirds wider than long, more strongly concave than
fuscovarius. Femora more expanded than latter but
than in moebii. Copulatory armature partially missing.
Colour fawn rust; appendages and apex of gaster yellow rust. Decumbent
pilosity fine, long and white; resembling that of fuscovarius
but more raised and irregular on the head and members.
Single male specimen from Togo, in German Entomology Museum.
The smallest of the then known Aenictus.
Santschi (1920d) gave a fuller, illustrated description
Also from Ivory Coast at Dimbroko, by Le Moult
Wheeler, 1922) - shown below.