Axinidris occidentalis Shattuck
Type location Liberia
(Shattuck, 1991: 118, illustrated alitrunk and propodeal views,
worker); holotype and seven paratypes collected from Paiata (or Payeta)
(by J. Bequaert) - no images on Antweb (February 2015) 
Shattuck (1991) gave no details but Bequaert was in
Zaïre in 1910-1915 and I have not found any reference to his having
visited Liberia. Found on an unidentified ant-plant.
WORKER - HL 0.88-0.95, HW
0.88-0.96, SL 0.57-0.65, PW
Without pronotal hairs; body colour yellowish-red with gaster, clypeus,
mandible and antennae lighter, tarsi light yellow (Shattuck, 1991).