Contents Miscellaneous ants - Iran
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis (Olivier)

Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis (Olivier)

return to list {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location France (Formica lateralis sp. nov. Olivier, 1792: 497, queen; Mayr, 1853b: 103, major & minor workers and male) Provence - no type images on Antweb (August 2015).
Junior synonyms
melanogaster (Formica melanogaster, Latreille, 1802c: 171, illustrated, worker; synonymy Mayr, 1853b: 102) France, Brive - no type images on Antweb (August 2015)
bicolor (Formica bicolor, Latreille, 1798: 43, worker; Mayr, 1853b: 102) France, Brive - no type images on Antweb (August 2015)
axillaris (Formica axillaris, Spinola, 1808: 243, worker; synonymy 1855: 322 - original unavailable) Italy - no type images on Antweb (August 2015)
pallidinervis (Formica pallidinervis, Brullé, 1832: 326, male; synonymy Mayr, 1863: 399) Greece - no type images on Antweb (August 2015)
hemipsila (Formica hemipsila, oerster, 1850b: 492, queen; synonym Forel, 1894d: 5) Algeria - no type images on Antweb (August 2015)
armouri (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis armouri subsp. nov., Wheeler, 1926, all forms, Balearic Is., Barrango de san Juan, Minorca; synonymy Collingwood, 1978: 73) and j.syn. balearis (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis Ol. stirps spissinodis For. v. balearis n. var., Santschi, 1925g: 360, illustrated, worker; junior synonym of armouri Santschi, 1936c: 207) - see below
cypidris (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis Ol. v. cypridis n. var., Santschi, 1939c: 6, all forms) Cyprus, Yermasozne River, A Bally
purius (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis Ol. v. purius n. var., Santschi, 1929e: 163, all forms) Algeria, Bequaert
rhodius (Camponotus lateralis dalmaticus Nyl. var. rhodia, Emery, 1925a: 64 , in key., Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis Ol. v. rhodia Em., Santschi, 1934d: 280, worker) Greece.

Camponotus lateralisOlivier's (1792) description is at - {original description}, with the queen at {original description}. Latreile's (1802c) descriptions are at - {original description}. Foerster's (1850b) description of hemipsila is at - {original description}. Mayr's (1853) full description is at - {original description}. Bondroit's (1918) illustrated description is at - {original description}. Santschi's (1925g) description of balearis is at - {original description}. Wheeler's (1926) description of armouri is at - {original description}. Santschi's (1929e) description of purius is at - {original description}.

On purius Santschi (1929e:163) wrote distinguished from the type by having the body and appendages uniform light red and the gaster brownish black.

Camponotus lateralis majorThe photomontage of the balearis type major worker is collated from

Camponotus lateralis minorThe photomontage of the balearis type minor worker is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Camponotus (Myrmetoma) lateralis
B Taylor det.
F Borjali
37°2294 N
50°2539 E
-25 m
Chaf & Chamkala
hand collected
city, on plant, 1210h
minor worker

{Camponotus lateralis}The photomontage is of a minor worker from Iran, Chaf; collector F Borjali (03).

©2016, 2017 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
