Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis (Olivier)
Type location France
(Formica lateralis sp. nov.
Olivier, 1792: 497, queen; Mayr, 1853b: 103, major & minor workers
and male) Provence - no type images on Antweb (August 2015).
Junior synonyms
melanogaster (Formica melanogaster, Latreille,
1802c: 171, illustrated,
worker; synonymy Mayr, 1853b: 102) France,
Brive - no type
images on Antweb (August 2015)
bicolor (Formica bicolor, Latreille, 1798:
43, worker; Mayr, 1853b:
102) France, Brive - no type
images on Antweb (August 2015)
axillaris (Formica axillaris, Spinola, 1808:
243, worker; synonymy
1855: 322 - original unavailable) Italy
- no type images on Antweb (August 2015)
pallidinervis (Formica pallidinervis, Brullé,
1832: 326, male; synonymy
Mayr, 1863: 399) Greece - no
type images on Antweb (August 2015)
hemipsila (Formica hemipsila, oerster, 1850b:
492, queen; synonym
Forel, 1894d: 5) Algeria - no type images on Antweb (August
armouri (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis armouri
subsp. nov., Wheeler,
1926, all forms, Balearic Is.,
Barrango de san Juan, Minorca;
synonymy Collingwood, 1978: 73) and j.syn. balearis (Camponotus
(Myrmentoma) lateralis Ol. stirps spissinodis For. v. balearis n. var., Santschi,
1925g: 360, illustrated, worker; junior synonym of armouri Santschi, 1936c: 207) - see
cypidris (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis
Ol. v. cypridis n. var.,
1939c: 6, all forms) Cyprus,
Yermasozne River, A Bally
purius (Camponotus (Myrmentoma) lateralis
Ol. v. purius n. var.,
Santschi, 1929e:
163, all forms) Algeria,
rhodius (Camponotus lateralis dalmaticus
Nyl. var. rhodia, Emery,
1925a: 64 , in key., Camponotus
(Myrmentoma) lateralis Ol. v. rhodia
Em., Santschi, 1934d:
280, worker) Greece.