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Cataglyphis cursor (Fonscolombe)

Cataglyphis cursor (Fonscolombe)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location France (Formica cursor, Fonscolombe, 1846: 41, all forms; in Cataglyphis , Mayr, 1861: 45) environs d'Aix.
Subspecies (in Bolton, 1995: 135)
aterrimus (Myrmecocystus ( subg. Cataglyphis Forst.) cursor Fonsc. subsp. aenescens Nyl. var. aterrima nova, Karavaiev, 1916: 507; Cataglyphis aenescens atterima stat. nov., Pisarski,1967: 41, worker; subspecies of cursor, Agosti, 1990a: 1482) Russia
creticus (Myrmecocystus cursor aenescens var cretica n., Emery, 1906d: 48, illustrated genitalia, male, see Agosti, 1990a: 1482) Greece, Crete.
  Speculatively, I have separated Cataglyphis rockingeri .

Fonscolombe's (1846) description is at - {original description}. Emery's (1906d) note, including cretica is at - {original description} Karavaiev's (1916) description of aterrima is at - {original description}. Agosti (1990: 1482) had C. aenescens and C. cursor as separate species, each with several subspecies. His work poses problems because it was published essentially as a precursor to an in-depth review and gave no arguments to support his placement of species and subspecies.

{Cataglyphis cursor}The photomontage of the type worker is collated from Note: Although labelled type, if the "coll. O. Sichel 1867", means what it seems to, i.e collected by Sichel in 1867, it cannot be the Fonscolombe type. Perhaps the specimen got into Sichel's personal collection that year?  From the type images it appears cursor is slightly smaller than aenescens (or at least than the susbspecies tancrei).

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
