Cataglyphis isis (Forel)
Iran list Type location Egypt (Myrmecocystus
viaticus F. subsp. Diehlii Forel var. Isis n.var.,
Forel, 1909e: 385; Forel,
1913d: 434, worker; raised to species Collingwood, 1985: 288) from
Suez, collector M. Bugnion; worker
only known.
Forel's (1909e) description is with his diehlii
redescription at . Santschi (1929b) gave
notes on Cataglyphis bicolor F. stirps nigra Andre v. isis
these are at .
In bicolor species-group (Agosti, 1990: 1489).
Egypt records - in HNS as Myrmecocystus
(Cataglyphis) diehlii var. isis Forel - Forel (1909e)
gave it as found at Suez, Egypt, by M. Bugnion; Forel (1913d: 434)
simply cited the name as recorded from Heliopolis; Santschi (1929b: 51)
had - Suez (Bugnion), workers, types, Heliopolis (Sahlberg), worker.
(1985) described it as related structurally to diehlii
in having proportionately shorter funiculus segments and a short
thinner petiole node. It differs from diehlii in having a
strongly pubescent [greyish-white pubescence, according to Forel,
1909e] alitrunk and occasional erect hairs on the scapes. TL not
exceeding 9.5 mm.
photomontage (right) of a type worker
is collated from
photomontage of the above type worker is colour adjusted to reduce the
magenta tint characteristic of all Antweb images. Forel (1909e) gave
the colour as entirely black, save for a reddish tint on the head of
some largest workers.
photomontage of a worker identified by Santschi (1929b)
is collated from
label shows the collector as Bugnion, so it appears to be from the
original type collection. Forel (1909e) gave the petiole node as "plus
mince", i.e. narrower, which is clear in the image as a shorter node
with a vertical rear face.
photomontage of a worker identified by Santschi (1929b)
is collated from
label shows the collector as Sahlberg and the location as Heliopolis,
i.e the second set of samples listed by Santschi. It is some 8% larger
than the type, assuming both to be major workers; has a evenly
domed petiole in lateral view, with a convex posterior face; and,
is darker, including the scapes and palps.
Oxford University Museum
specimens - wrong are niger
Cataglyphis isis
B Taylor det. |
O Norfolk
28°33' N
33°56' E |
St Katherine’s
Pitfall trap in wadi garden
The photomontage is
a major worker from Egypt;
St Katherine's Protectorate, Sinai, 2010; pitfall trap in a wadi
garden; collected by Olivia
Norfolk (ON 5).
The photomontage is
a minor worker from Egypt;
St Katherine's Protectorate.
©2006, 2010, 2012, 2104,
2015, 2016, 2017 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.