The Ants of Africa
Genus Crematogaster - undetermined forms
Genus Crematogaster Introduction
{Crematogaster species T2}

Crematogaster (undet.) species T²

WORKER - TL 1.94 mm, HL 0.56, HW 0.59, SL 0.37, PW 0.34
Colour yellow-brown, gaster darker, shiny. Pilosity sparse, few erect hairs. Profile of the pro- and mesonotum smoothly convex, slightly impressed metanotal groove. Propodeum passing through a convex curve, spines short, acute and triangular upturned. Petiole trapezoidal straight sided, anterior slightly wider, anterolateral corners acute. Subpetiolar spine moderately large and blunt.

From Nigeria, the specimens were reared by a female found and kept by me in the laboratory at CRIN. This might give a misleading impression of the normal worker size.

Crematogaster (undet.) species 6

Distinctive large rear pointing subpetiolar spine.

Possibly from Nigeria, as in Bolton's key to CRIN species (unpublished, 1969).

Crematogaster (undet.) species 97

Found in Ghana from cocoa mistletoe (Room, 1975).

Crematogaster (undet.) species 563

Found in 5 canopy samples in Ghana by Room (1971).

Crematogaster (undet.) species A269

Found in a canopy sample in Ghana by Room (1971), who noted that it could be a dominant.

Crematogaster (undet.) species (indet.) (1)

Found, a single 'tourist' worker, in primary forest leaf litter at the Mankrang Forest Reserve, in Ghana by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).

Crematogaster (undet.) species (indet.) (2)

Found, a single worker, in cocoa leaf litter at CRIG, in Ghana by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).

Crematogaster (undet.) species (indet.) (3)

Found, a single worker, in logged forest leaf litter at the Atewa Forest Reserve, in Ghana by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).

Crematogaster (undet.) species (indet.) (4)

Found, nine workers, in logged forest leaf litter at the Atewa Forest Reserve, in Ghana by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).

Crematogaster (undet.) species (indet.) (5)

Found, 103 'tourist' workers, in secondary forest leaf litter at Bobiri, in Ghana by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).
Contents MYRMICINAE Introduction
© 2007, 2009 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
