Crematogaster (Crem.) antaris Forel
Iran list Type location Algeria
(Crematogaster Auberti Emery r. C. Antaris new stirps,
Forel, 1894d: 26,
worker & queen; raised to species Santschi, 1921d: 71; Collingwood,
1985: 260) - see below
junior synonym (here) sordida (Crematogaster auberti r laestrygon
var sordida n. var., Forel, 1894d: 26; Forel, 1909c: 104,
worker; as Cremastogaster
antaris Em. v. Sordida
For., Santschi, 1921d: 71) from Algeria,
Djebel Antar, Forel - see below.
Forel's (1894d) description is at . Forel (1894d) had - head, alitrunk and
pedical reddish-brown or yellowish; propodeal spines a little
longer than var maura;
sculpture more feeble. Santschi's (1921d)
description of sordida is at .
Egypt records - Wheeler & Mann (1916)
reported it from Mt Sinai, Sinai Peninsula.