Crematogaster (Crem.) maura Forel - new status
Type location Algeria
(Crematogaster auberti r laestrygon
Emery var maura, Forel, 1894d: 25; Crematogaster
auberti var maura, Forel, 1909c: 104, worker) from Algeria,
Oran - see below
Forel's (1894d)
description is at .
This is a larger species than Crematogaster
(Cr.) laestrygon and has distinct longitudinal striations on
the head, a different head shape, large eyes and relatively short
scapes (just reaching the occiput). Although mentioned by Santschi (1937e) the only distinctions he offers from laestrygon forms are the striated head and then, from striaticeps, the colour of the scapes (darker on striaticeps). He described both as having matt heads but the type images show that both have shiny heads.
photomontage of a type worker is collated from
TL ca 4.2 mm, HL 1.05, HW 1.13, SL 0,86, PW 0.68; CI 109, SI 82, EI (EL/HL) 31.
Type laestrygon
TL ca 3.5 mm (major), HL 0.92, HW 0.92, SL 0.79, PW 0.51; CI 100, SI
86, EI 0.26; scapes surpass the occiput by about 0.12 of their length.
Eastern populations (Israel) have a larger major but the proportions
are the same..