The Ants of Africa
Distribution Card
Species 1 Author 2 Year 3 Country 4 Location Collector Information 5
Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) pseudinermis Viehmeyer 1923x Sudan Nubbaka, Gulfan, Keiga Tummero H Werner & R Ebner new species
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) pseudinermis Santschi 1926a Zaire Kunungu, Leopoldville, Luebo H Schouteden workers
Crematogaster (Sphaer.) pseudinermis muellerianus Finzi 1939a Eritrea Om Ager G Muller Setit

© 2006 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
