Crematogaster (Orthocrema) transvaalensis Forel
Type location South
Africa (Cremastogaster transvaalensis, n. spec., Forel,
1894b: 96, worker) - see below
junior synyonym (here) hammi (Arnold, 1920a: 534,
illustrated, worker) from Zimbabwe, Hope Fountain - see
Worker only described (see
Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1894b)
description is at . Arnold (1920a: 533)
gave an illustrated translation and description of hammi; this
is at .
Although Arnold (1920a) gave the TL as 2.4 mm, pitch black, the
specimen on Antweb (link above) is TL ca 2.8 mm, i.e. as the type size;
the colour as on Antweb is identical to the type..