Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus Santschi - new status
Type location Zaïre (Dorylus
(Anomma) nigricans Ill. v terrificus n. v., Santschi,
1923e: 275, soldier & worker); soldier and worker described
(Bolton, 1995) .
Santschi's (1923e) description is at .
Raignier & van Boven (1955) cited Santschi's
description (1923e) as - more robust than burmeisteri; the
major head large and trapezoidal; lateral borders more convex than arcens,
but the funiculus segments clearly longer than in burmeisteri;
head glabrous and shiny, except anterior part which is semi-matt;
petiole form as burmeisteri. In their examination of specimens
they collected at Yangambi, did not encounter any they denoted as arcens,
although Collection 21b, of "burmeisteri var. terrificus"
had the form of the head - with the posterior angles rounded and the
cheeks convex, CI about 106 - as typical of either arcens or terrificus
but the colour was too bright for arcens and they plumped for terrificus,
with the cheeks rounded and the rear of the head shiny.
photomontage of the type major worker is collated from
photomontage of the type minor worker (media 4?) is collated from
Oxford University Museum
Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus
B Taylor det.
T Humle
Humle 9
7°39'57 N
8°25'08 W
Pitfall in fallow
Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus
B Taylor det. |
Ivory Coast
T Humle
Humle 10
7° 31' 43 N
8° 25' 22 W
389 m asl; Nimba Mts
Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus
B Taylor det. |
Ivory Coast
T Humle
Humle 12
7° 31' 43 N
8° 25' 22 W
89 m asl; Nimba Mts
Region |
Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus
B Taylor det. |
S Tchibozo
06°55’32.8 N 02°29’13 E
Forêt de Gbèvozoumè
Lisière fourmis (forest edge/ border ants)
Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus
B Taylor det. |
Central African Republic
P Moretto
PN Ndoki
02˚28'51" N
16˚13'04" E
range of workers
Lac 1, forêt à Gilbertiodendron, piège malaise
The photomontages are of specimens collected by Tatyana
Humle; in south eastern Guinea, at Bossou,(24.viii.2001, Humle
9) and in Ivory Coast, Nimba Mts Region, Yéalé (2.ix.2001,
Humle 10, Humle 12).
The various morphs are shown in detail on the Dorylus (Anomma) terrificus
morphs page.
Full new description - Humle 9
Overall - shiny to glossy very dark chestnut, head near black.
TL 11.45 HW 3.5 HL 3.25 HD 2.3 CI 108 SL 1.65 SI 54 AL 3.7 PW 1.1 PetL
1.0 PetW 1.2 GL 3.5 MFL 3.25
Head - trapezoid, widest pre-anterior, posterior more than 2/3 as wide;
sides with first third near straight angled inwards slightly, then
smooth shallow convexity to posterior corners; posterior margin a
shallow scallop but slight median outward bump, posterolateral angles
sharp; sculpturation of extremely fine spiculation, almost effaced on
posterior half of face, which has minute sparse hair pits; median line
barely visible; clypeal margin very slightly sinuous with strong median
fine hair, smaller lateral fine hairs; mandible very long and slender
with very faint longitudinal striations and minute hair pits; scape
with slight out curve, evenly broadening from base to apex, with very
fine spiculation and most minute of hair pits; funiculus 1 & 2
fairly slender, 3-6 longer and equisized, 7-9 shorter, 10 at least
twice as long as 9, and slender; head profile profile very bulbous,
posterior corners fairly acute angles but not extended, concave frontal
area; no hairs.
Alitrunk - LS profile quite strongly domed less so in TS; distinct
"saddle" with posterior margin clearly defined; spiracle ovoid in
vertical plane, front slightly raised so weakly rearward facing;
propodeum rises from saddle, then smooth but flattish curve to short
subvertical declivity; metapleural gland upper flange distinctly longer
than lower, clearly visible from above; all over fine spiculation, very
fine on pronotum, coarsening rearward and downwards; minute hairs on
Petiole - moderately long, all edges rounded, anterior a 45° slope,
posterior subvertical; note both anteroventral and posteroventral small
extensions; dorsal view widening perhaps 20% front to back; spiracle
prominently raised; subpetiolar process very broad based, small round
anterior extension and slightly longer blunt triangular posterior
extension; sculpturation as posterior alitrunk; hairs pair on posterior
dorsum and several below.
Gaster - basal sculptured as petiole, second weaker spiculation, rest
fading notably waisted quite coarse hairs on all dorsal posterior
margins, abundant long fine hairs on venter.
Legs - coxae moderately long and rounded; femora broad and submatt;
tibiae quite short and wide, with dense covering of fine decumbent
hairs quite short and wide; tarsi with dense covering of fine decumbent
hairs, moderate claws.
Minima morph
Head densely spiculate, colour dark chestnut; dorsum with sparse
decumbent pilosity; funiculus with coarse semi-erect pilosity.