Lepisiota tenuipilis (Santschi)
Type location Zaïre (Acantholepis
tenuipilis n.sp., Santschi, 1935a: 275, worker), holotype and four
specimens from Banana, Bas-Congo, by Dr Schouteden, 6.viii.1920; worker
only .
Santschi's (1935a) description is on .
Santschi's description is -
WORKER - TL 1.8-2.0 mm; colour black; mandibles, distal quarter of
scape and articulations of legs yellow brown; remainder of antenna and
tarsi yellower. Smooth and shining; but longitudinally striate (?) on
meso and metasternum. Sometimes fine and inconsistent reticulation on
dorsum of metanotum and propodeum. White pilosity as long and fine as canescens
but generally shorter and irregular on the legs, and short, regular and
raised on the scapes, where it replaces the short weak pubescence.
Head oval, around one-fifth to one-sixth longer than wide; sides
rounded posterior to the eyes; posterior border feebly convex,
occipitum concave. Eyes about one-third the size of face and placed
around the centre to three-quarter line of the face. Ocelli very
reduced. Mandibles smooth but pilous and with 4-5 teeth. Clypeus with a
clear, raised median carina; anterior border less arcuate centrally
than on the sides. Postclypeal notch absent or barely indicated.
Frontal area large with a rounded posterior border. Scape surpassing
the occiput by less than one third its length; funiculus segment 1
about one-third longer than wide; 2 & 3 together slightly longer
than 1. Thorax about one-third longer than head; pronotum as wide as
long, wider anteriorly, dorsum profile slightly convex. Mesonotum short
and oblique; metanotum as wide as long with spiracle slightly raised.
Propodeum dorsum twice as wide as long forward, feebly convex and then
near rectilinear between the small tubercles at the angles; tubercles
near horizontal in profile and straight in dorsal view. Petiole scale
higher than its posterior peduncle, peaked in profile, oval from the
front, summit near straight and only feebly impressed. gaster quite
large. Femur reaching the posterior quarter of the gaster.
Related to Lepisiota curta
(type locality Somalia) but that, from Emery' s description, has a
shorter head, eyes more central to the sides of the face, shorter
metanotum, and stronger sculpturation, giving a matt appearance. Also
related to Lepisiota
crinita Mayr (see above, given by Santschi as crinata)
but that has the propodeum more sculpted and a shorter scape.
photomontage is of a worker from Congo, Réserve de
Lésio-Louna, S 03°21'04.9" E 015°29'28.6"; 6-7.ii.2008; n sp59; pitfall
trap 8, t 2; Village Mah; collected by Eric Zassi.