The Ants of Africa
Distribution Card
Species 1 Author 2 Year 3 Country 4 Location Collector Information 5
Leptogenys castanea Mayr 1862x SA Table Mountain, Cape of Good Hope Novara new species, worker
Leptogenys castanea Emery 1895h SA Makapan E Simon 1 worker
Leptogenys castanea Arnold 1915x SA Algoa Bay, Cape; Durban H Brauns workers
Leptogenys castanea Bolton 1975a Zimbabwe Bulawayo G Arnold worker
Leptogenys castanea Bolton 1975a SA several locations several workers
Leptogenys castanea bellua Forel 1914d SA Durban, Natal G Arnold, Marley, Cooper & Bevis new variety, workers; queen described by Arnold, 1926
Leptogenys castanea dispar Santschi 1914e SA Zululand Tragardh several workers
Leptogenys castanea hewitti Santschi 1932a SA Grahamstown T Hewitt new variety, 2 workers
Leptogenys castanea parva Forel 1901f SA Durban, Natal Haviland new variety, workers & male
© 2005 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
