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Messor semirufus (André)

Messor semirufus (André)

return to listIran list {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Undefined (Caspian Sea) (Aphenogaster barbarus var. semirufa, André, 1883b: 355, worker & queen).

Bolton (1995: 257) has it as combined in Messor by Ruzky (1905b: 750); raised to species by Santschi (1927c: 227), Menozzi (1933b: 52) and Collingwood (1985: 252); junior synonyms kutteri (Messor semirufus var kutteri, Santschi, 1934d: 1275, worker) from Italy; and, nigricans (Messor semirufus var nigriceps, Santschi, 1929e: 144, replacement name nigricans, Santschi, 1932f: 517) from Israel; synonymy Baroni Urbani, 1974: 227); .

André's (1883b) description briefly states - "whole of body red variably paler with the gaster only blackish brown; size large, head almost smooth posteriorly; pronotum finely rugose; propodeal teeth variable, sometimes well developed; distribution - edges of the Caspian Sea, Syria, Persia, Ethiopia". Possibly the Ethiopia record was of Messor galla.

Santschi (1927c) gave a fresh description, noting that the André types had disappeared; this is at {original description}. Santschi's (1934d) note on kutteri is at {original description}.

Collingwood (1985: 252, and in his key (p 248) has this as "1. with a distinct psammophore ... 3. the first funiculus segment distinctly broader and much longer than second, propodeum rounded, angulate or broadly dentate ... 4. first gaster tergite sith few short hairs or none ... 7 & 9 bicoloured species with head and alitrunk reddish, contrasting with darker gaster ... 12. maximum head width 2.5 mm or more .. 13. head and alitrunk bright yellowish red". the last couplet separates it from M. galla with the head wine or brownish red, slitrunk often darker.

I have separated Messor obscurior as being smaller, darker and more heavily striate on the alitrunk, etc. (unavailable name Messor barbarus r. semirufus var. obscurior, Crawley, 1920a: 164, from Iraq).

The Baroni Urbani (1974) synonymy can be seen at {original description}. The list was largely reversed almost immediately and appears to be a classic case of "lumpers versus splitters".  All depends on whether one accepts a "species" as variable or not. It seems worth noting that Thomé & Thomé (1981), who Bolton (1995) listed as the authorities for reversing some of the Baroni Urbani synonymies do not refer to the latter's paper.

{Messor semirufus}The photomontage of a "cotype" major worker, from Syria, postdating the André specimens, is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
