Monomorium abeillei André
Iran list Type location Israel
(André, 1881b: 67; and, in Emery, 1881b: 531, footnote, worker; see
Collingwood, 1985: 269) - see below.
André's (1881b) description is at . André (1881-6: 333f key) separated his
species in a key, the extracts are at . Emery (1908h: 678) gave an illustrated
description, this is at . Collingwood &
Agosti (1996: 340) gave a description which is at .
Although Collingwood (1985: 269) cited the original
André reference (1881b) he gave no description beyond a brief
separation in his key. The later Collingwood & Agosti description
(1996), however, does not marry with André's description, a point
reinforced by the André key.
André's key had:
WORKER - antennae 12-segmented; head, except all or
part of the clypeus, entirely and more or less finely granulose,
slightly shiny or matt; first funiculus segment almost as long as the
next two combined; TL bigger and colour darker than pharaonis
(given as TL 1.75-2.3 mm); head slightly elongate, oval, its sides
rounded, occiput not or slightly impressed, slightly wider at level of
clypeus than at occipital angles; propodeum dorsum with impressed, wide
and well marked, longitudinal groove which reaches forward almost to
the metanotal suture; head, alitrunk and pedicel dark brown black,
occasionally slightly reddish, funiculus, femora and tibiae brown,
tarsi lighter, gaster black; body finely shagreened, matt or slightly
shiny, gaster smooth and shiny; TL 3.0-3.5 mm.
From his earlier description, also - mandibles reddish, also their
articulation; genae and space between frontal carinae finely &
longitudinally striate; clypeus distinctly sunken medianly, with weak
carinae bordering the impression; pubescence rare, pilosity sparse;
head almost square; scapes not surpassing the occiput; eyes quite large
set in the middle of the sides of the head; alitrunk weakly narrowed
between the mesonotum and propodeum; pedicel nodes quite narrow, the
first node a little higher than the second.
The photomontage of the
type worker is collated from
Thus, Collingwood's drawing
(shown for comparison) with a narrow longitudinal
groove on the propodeum and accentuated narrowing at the metanotal
groove differs from André's description. Similarly, the Collingwood
& Agosti note of the colour as evenly brownish-black to black does
not match (their key had "colour black"); neither does their
description of the head as almost straight-sided, with CI 78-91 (not as
André's almost square head). Their key, couplet 15 has - "dorsum of
alitrunk with projecting hairs" - this cannot be determined from
André's descriptions.
Egypt Records - Wheeler & Mann (1916) from
Wadi Feran, Sinai.
Oxford University Museum
Monomorium abeillei
B Taylor det.
M Sharaf
31°21' N
30°56' E
Kafr Sheik
Monomorium abeillei
B Taylor det. |
M Sharaf
Gebl Asfar
31°21' N
30°13’ E
Monomorium abeillei
B Taylor det. |
M Sharaf
The photomontage is
of a worker from Egypt, Taifa, Kafr Sheik,
E 31°21' N 30°56'; 27.viii.2003, collector Mostaf Sharaf.
This appears to
closely match André's description, including TL > 3.0 mm; the
impressed shiny clypeus, with weak carinae; wide longitudinal groove on
the propodeum and alitrunk with a reddish tinge.
The photomontage is
of a worker from Egypt, Gabl Asfar; collector Mostaf Sharaf.