Monomorium fasciatum Santschi - status confirmed
Type location Kenya
(Monomorium fasciatum n. sp.,
Santschi, 1920b: 10, illustrated, worker) Kilimanjaro, Reichensperger -
gaster only at
(1920b) description is at .
WORKER - TL 1.8 mm (Bolton, 1987: 388, not illustrated,
worker; regarded as nomen dubium as unseen). The worker shown
below from north-eastern Tanzania, close to the type location,
appears to match Santschi's
description in every way, including the dark transverse area of the
gaster. The only remaining part of the type is the gaster, link
above, but that exactly matches that shown below.
Oxford University Museum
Monomorium fasciatum
B Taylor det. |
V Grebennikov
Uluguru Mts
7°10' S
37°40' E
western slope
between Tchenzema village and Lukwangule Plateau, 2200m
The photomontage is of a worker from the Uluguru Mts, Tanzania,
W slope between Tchenzema village & Lukwangule Plateau, 2200 m; one
specimen in tube with Strumigenys ?; Vassily Grebennikov;