The Ants of Africa
Genus Myrmicaria
Myrmicaria striatula Santschi

Myrmicaria striatula Santschi

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Tanzania (named first in Santschi, 1914b: 116, but without description - given as "Myrmicaria striatula Stitz; Wiss. Erg. Deutsch. Zentr.-Afrika Exped., 1907-1908, Bd. III, Zool., I, p.382 (1910)" - the species in that reference was Myrmicaria striata; Santschi, 1925c: 152, illustrated, worker, wrongly as male in text, illustration is labelled worker), Kilimanjaro; worker only described (see Bolton, 1995) .

Santschi (1935) reported a single worker from Zaïre, at Mayumbe, collected by R. Mayné in 1917; noting a light variety.

{Myrmicaria striatula}The Santschi description (comparisons mostly with natalensis) is at {original description}
WORKER TL 5.5-6 mm. Colour dark reddish brown; mandibles more reddish; gaster blacker; shiny; central area of face smooth than natalensis. Sides of head slightly more finely and abundantly rugulose and the spaces smoother and more reduced, as on the sides of the thorax. Lateral rugae on the mesonotum continue to midway when they cup into an arc. Abdomen and legs smooth; scapes striated; remainder as natalensis. The antennal funiculi, however, differ in the segments being short as in fusca. Propodeum feebly carinate and smooth without a distinct median ridge, but with several posterior striae. The mesokatepisternal tooth are slightly more robust. The mesonotal lobes are raised in profile, but less than natalensis and more than striata. Metanotal grove quite deep, the lobe on the side of the dorsal face is little developed; in profile this border appears straight save for slight convexity and often is missing. Propodeal spines fine, rectilinear, as long as two-thirds the propodeum dorsum. Petiole pedicel longer than the node; node nearly twice as high as long, anterior and posterior faces symmetrical but feebly converging; summit like a donkey or hog-back (hump?), rounded in profile. Postpetiole almost as high but slightly shorter than petiole, anterior face slightly more oblique but less so than in striata. Placed with natalensis, striata and fusca but perhaps nearest the last.

{Myrmicaria striatula}The photomontage of the type worker is collated from

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