The Ants of Africa
Genus Ocymyrmex
Ocymyrmex flaviventris Santschi

Ocymyrmex flaviventris Santschi

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Namibia (Ocymyrmex hirsutus For. var. flaviventris n. var., Santschi, 1914a: 431, worker - see images below; Bolton, 1981b: 261, queen; raised to species, Bolton, 1981b: 268, illustrated - type location is wrongly cited by Bolton, 1995, as Tanzania; who presumably missed the Santschi, 1915c correction, see below, although it is correct in Bolton & Marsh, 1989: 1281, etc) .

{uOcymyrmex flaviventris}Santschi's (1914a) description is at {original description}. Santschi (1915c: 254) noted that previously he had not pointed out that the striations on the vertex were longitudinal, unlike hirsutus where they were transverse. He also added that the specimens were from "Sud_Ouest africain (Windhuk)" - Windhoek, Namibia, and NOT "Afrique Oriental, comme il a été indiqué par erreur". Bolton's modern description (1981b) is at {original description}

{Ocymyrmex flaviventris}The photomontage of the type worker is collated from

Photographs of a worker from Namibia and identified by Bolton as flaviventris but not listed in Bolton (1981b) appear to be identical to the syntype of Ocymyrmex hirsutus. The originals are at

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