The Ants of Africa
Genus Ocymyrmex Ocymyrmex weitzeckeri Emery
Ocymyrmex weitzeckeri Emery
Type location Lesotho
(Ocymyrmex Weitzeckeri n. sp.,
Emery, 1892a: 116 (footnote), worker; Arnold, 1916: 197, male; Bolton,
1981b: 280, illustrated, queen) Leribe - see below
junior synonym wroughtoni
(Ocymyrmex weitzeckeri subsp. wroughtoni n. subsp., , Forel,
1910f: 13, worker & male; synonymy, Bolton, 1981b: 280) South Africa, Natal, R Wroughton - see
see also Bolton & Marsh (1989: 1306) .
Emery's (1892a)
description is at . Arnold (1916: 195) gave
an illustrated
translation, this is at . Forel's (1910f)
description of wroughtoni is at . Arnold (1916: 198) gave a translation of wroughtoni,
this is at .