Oecophylla annectens
Wheeler new status
Type location Zaïre
(Oecophylla longinoda variety annectens new variety, Wheeler,
1922a: 230, all forms) Avakubi

Wheeler's description was -
WORKER - very similar to the typical form but
brown instead of ferruginous, the gaster sometimes slightly darker than
the remainder of the body. Mandibles, except in the small workers,
darker brown than the front, cheeks, and clypeus. Incrassated tips of
antennal scapes with a dark brown spot; funiculi, knees, tarsi, and
tips of tibiae pale yellow; pulvilli black.
FEMALE - brown, instead of green and brown like the
typical longinoda, with darker brown markings on the thorax.
Second and following gastric segments with the basal bands velvety
black, so that the gaster is distinctly fasciate. Funiculi, tips of
scapes, tibiae, tarsi, and vertex paler, more reddish brown. Wings
slightly darker than in the typical form, with deeper brown margins to
the veins.
MALE - darker brown than the worker. Mandibles,
antennae, tarsi, and articulations of legs brownish yellow; last tarsal
joint black. Wings distinctly paler than in the female.
Described from a long series of specimens from the
following places: Avakubi (type locality), Kisangani [Stanleyville] and
Niangara (Lang and Chapin); Malela (J.Bequaert).
The photomontage of a
syntype major worker is collated
from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0903255.
The photomontage
of cotypes is collated from The
Smithsonian Institute images at http://ripley.si.edu/ent/nmnhtypedb/public/specimeninfopage.cfm?publicconsumption=1&typespecimenID=1037.
Oxford University Museum
Oecophylla annectens
B Taylor det. |
Y Braet
Gabon 13
00°34' N
09°19' E
Pointe Wingombe
(malaise trap, one week)
minor worker
Oecophylla annectens
B Taylor det. |
Y Braet
Gabon 14 |
00°34' N
09°19' E
Pointe Wingombe;
under trees; sweep net
Oecophylla annectens
B Taylor det. |
Y Braet
Gabon 15 |
00°34' N
09°19' E
Kengéré road; under
trees; sweep net
Minor from
the Gabon, Pongara NP; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 14). Appears to
match the major worker shown above.
Minor from
the Gabon, Pongara NP; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 15). Appears to
match the major worker shown above.
Minor from
the Gabon, Pongara NP; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 13). Exactly
matches the minor worker shown above.