Bothroponera crassa (Emery)
Type location Eritrea
(Ponera crassa, n. sp., Emery, 1877b: 366, illustrated, worker;
new status Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 77) Sciotel, Beccari - see
crassior (Bothroponera
crassa Em. var. crassior
n. var., Santschi,
1930a: 53, worker; Santschi, 1930d: 267, male) from Kenya, west
side of Mount Kenya, by Alluaud & Jeannel, 1.ii.1912 - not on
Antweb (September 2014)
ilgii (Pachycondyla
(Bothroponera) crassa
var. ilgii n. var., Forel,
1910c: 244, worker) from Ethiopia, Nefassit - see
unavailable name andrieui (Bothroponera
crassa Em. stirps crassior
Sants. v. Andrieui n. var.)
from Mali (French
Sudan, not modern Sudan, Soluba near Kolouba, by Andrieu) - see below
worker and male only
(see Bolton, 1995, where type location given as Ethiopia) .
- TL 7-7.5 mm; head subrectangular; clypeus feebly sinuate in middle;
mandibles finely striate; eyes well developed; overall subopaque or
Bernard (1952) gave findings at Mount Tô (Camp I), Guinea,
4 workers. He noted that it is common north of the Equator, especially
in Erythrea and Sudan, but absent south of Congo. His specimens, TL 7
mm, were somewhat different from the type, in being more shiny, with
bronze reflections, and the abdomen with denser yellow hairs.
The photomontage right of a cotype is collated from the
MCZ website; collector Beccari, from
Bogor, in Emery (1892a: 111).