Paratrechina gnoma LaPolla & Cheng
Type location Ghana
(LaPolla & Cheng, 2010: 12, illustrated, worker), from Mankrang
Forest Reserve, 11.iii.1992, R Belshaw; worker only described .
WORKER - smallest known sub-Saharan species; mostly
brownish-yellow, appendages and posterior border of gaster segments
TL 1.20-1.44, HL 0.36-0.38, HW 0.32-0.34, CI
85-94, SL 0.34-0.38, SI 102-115
Other examined from Ghana, Enchi, three collections, D.
Leston, 23-28.v.1969; Nigeria,
Onipe, 25.vii.1975, my collection but
unattributed (published
as Paratrechina
species T1 (Taylor, 1978: 31) and on website since 1978,
posted as Paratrechina minima, 30 January