The Ants of Africa
Genus Paratrechina
Paratrechina brevisetula (LaPolla & Fisher)

Paratrechina brevisetula (LaPolla & Fisher)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Gabon (Nylanderia brevisetula sp. nov., LaPolla & Fisher, 2011: 15, worker, illustrated) Ogooue-Maritime: Aire d'Exploit. Rationnelle de Faune des Monts Doudou, 24.3 km 307° NW Doussala, 02°13'35"S 010°24'35" E, elev. 375 m, 6.iii.2000 (B.L. Fisher) (CASC) (CASENT0179575); 6 paratype workers, same label data as holotype .

Diagnosis: Head width less than 0.51 mm; brownish-yellow species, with very short, angular propo- deal dorsal face; all coxae the same color.

. Head and mesosoma brown to reddish brown, with gaster dark brown, yellowish around acidopore; mandibles, antennae, trochanters, joints of legs and tarsi yellowish. Head rugulose; pronotum smooth and shining, with a few specimens faintly rugulose; gaster faintly striated; mesonotum, mesopleuron, and propodeum faintly rugulose in places. Posterior margin of head broadly rounded, with distinctly rounded posterolateral corners; medially posterior margin slightly emarginate. Scapes surpass posterior margin by about the length of the first 3–4 funicular segments; scapes with erect macrosetae (SMC ≥ 25) and an abundant layer of decumbent pubescence. Pronotum and mesono- tum with scattered, distinctly short, erect to suberect macrosetae (PMC = 2–3; MMC = 2–4); pronotum gently rounded toward mesonotum; mesonotum distinctly rugulose; metanotal area elongate and rugulose; dorsal face of propodeum rounded, although lower than mesonotum; dorsal face shorter than declivitous face. Dorsally gastral segments with short, erect to appressed macrosetae, with macrosetae becoming slightly longer posteriorly; gaster with a layer of pubescence and appressed macrosetae.

Measurements (n = 6): TL: 2.40–2.80; HW: 0.50–0.70; HL: 0.67–0.71; EL: 0.14–0.18; SL: 0.80– 0.90; PW: 0.39–0.45; WL: 0.85–0.92; GL: 0.88–1.16
Indices: CI: 85–92; REL: 19–26; SI: 137–142
The queen and male castes are currently unknown for this species.

Non-type material examined. CAMEROON: Mbalmayo, 3°30.932' N, 11°30.051' E*, Nov 1993 (N. Stork); GABON: Prov. Ogooue-Maritime Res Monts Doudou, 24.3 km, 307° NW Doussala, 2°23.4' S, 10°24.4' E, 375 m, 6 March 2000 (B.L. Fisher); Prov. Ogooue-Maritime Res Monts Doudou, 24.5 km, 307°NW Doussala, 2°14.0' S, 10°23.9' E, 630 m, 18 March 2000 (B.L. Fisher); Prov. Ogooue-Maritime Res des Monts Doudou, 25.2 km, 304° NW Doussala, 2°13.6' S, 10°23,7' E, 640 m, 19 March 2000 (B.L. Fisher); IVORY COAST: Tai Forest, 5°19.343' N, 6°33.314' W*, 15 Aug 1975 (T. Diomande); Sassandra, 4°57.133' N, 6°5.100' W*, 16 March 1977 (I. Lobi)

Paratrechina brevisetulaThe photomontage is collated from Details as above.

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
