Demonstration and evaluation trial at Izimbya, Bukoba District.
The site was just before the large village, 76 km from Bukoba
(Tanzania Grid Reference UP290275) and at approximately 1189 m (3900
feet) asl.
The site layout was as shown, with planting on 27 January 1989. No
manure was used in Plots O and C.
The shamba owner was Mr Filbert Katundu.
The general area was of moderately good bananas, being settled some
25 years previously. Lower lying parts were rather poorer.
27 June 1989, 6 months after planting.
The lack of manure on Plots O and C probably
accounted for the poor germination of the corms and, hence the
high amount of replanting.
Looking from Plot F, diagonally to C, with O to left and
FC to right.

R = replant, 1, 2 or 3 =number of suckers

26 July 1989, 7 months after planting.
The replants were continung to emerge but there was some
damage caused by goats to the replants. The site was very dry
but there was some increase in sucker numbers. The Plots FC and
C were divided to give secondary treatment subplots with extra
carbofuran, FC2 and C2.
2 December 1989, 11 months after planting
Desuckering (pruning) had been started, hence only one sucker
per stool.
D = damaged by trench; S = stool rot; note: previous Replants
now 2/3 size of original planting
2 December 1989 |
With road drainage improvement trench running into Plot F.
Plot O is on the left and the Gros Michel stool in the right
Looking across plot C2 (the lower part of original Plot C
with a second carbofuran application), with FC on the left and F
in background.
A final evaluation was made on 13.2.90. Results from
this site are among those in Table
3, Table 8,
Figure 2,
Figure 3 and
Figure 5
©2000 - Brian Taylor CBiol
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
Visiting Academic in the Department of Life Science, University of