The Bananas of Upland East Africa - The Kagera Region of Tanzania |
The rainfall pattern in Kagera Region is
determined by the easterly airflow off Lake Victoria and convection
caused by the ridges.
It is very high, over 2000 mm (80 inches), in the environs of Bukoba, and declines to the west, to around 1000 mm (27-30 inches). The broad valleys and floodplains, however, are in successive rainshadows. Areas with less than 750 mm of annual rainfall are mostly uninhabited. Paralleling the decline in quantity, the rainfall also becomes increasingly seasonal the further west the location. The map is derived from McMaster (1960) and hence shows isohyets in inches. The "Crisis Zone" is that of the poorest bananas and is defined in the Field Survey section. |
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©2000 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol
FRES 11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K. Visiting Academic in the Department of Life Science, University of Nottingham |