1985 - 1987. Scheme Manager, Shipley Environmental Education and Interpretation Team, Derbyshire, UK.

Funded for two years by the Derbyshire County Council and the Manpower Services Commission; with added finance from The Countryside Commission.

Responsible for a multi-disciplinary employment and training scheme which gave work and personal development opportunities for 66 people, 44 with degrees or equivalent. One of the nationally most successful programmes of its kind. The scheme established a widely acclaimed Research and Resources Centre (for local schools and for the general public) which provided a wide range of audio-visual educational materials, plus extensive literature, on all aspects of the local environment. The commercial products (fully illustrated leaflets and booklets, also a selection of cut-out models and other activity materials) have been very successful, and the audio-visual items are used most days, all year round.

Research into the Evolution of Managed Landscape and Built Environment, and the Production of Interpretive Materials for Shipley Country Park, Derbyshire

Shipley Country Park forms the heart of an extensive estate with its antecedents pre-dating the Norman Conquest. After a mediaeval era of high wealth from sheep grazing, hence its name by derivation from "sheep lea", followed by a period of decline, its fortunes were revived by the discovery of rich coal deposits. By the late 19th Century the mines were among the most productive in Britain. Deepmine production ceased in 1967 and was followed by extensive opencast mining operations; land restoration, coupled with infilling and removal/landscaping of spoil heaps, was the final contribution to the environment of the modern Park.

The research efforts led to the production of numerous detailed technical and scientific reports. These included 16 ecology reports on fauna and flora, and on habitats (including management proposals); 12 historical studies; and individual reports on archaeology, on geology, on vernacular architecture, and on visitor facilities for cyclists and disabled persons. Extensive, catalogued archives of historical documents and records, of historic and contemporary photographs, and of maps from 1631 AD onwards, were set up. Many of the historical records were included in a computer database, which I developed. The content and quality of the reports compare favourably to theses submitted for Masters Degrees.

The educational and interpretation efforts are reflected in the very wide and extensive range of publications and other presentations produced for the general public and schools. These include printed, illustrated monographs in booklet (6) or leaflet (24) format; park maps and self-guided trails; 9 exhibition display panels and models; 5 video films and 2 slide-tape productions; cut-out and colouring sets; a photographic collection; educational packs; and resource collections. Last but not least several seminars were held for local teachers.

Apart from overall management and leadership, plus an editorial overview of all the team output, I personally investigated historical aspects of the development of the managed landscape (field patterns, land ownership, etc.) and of the built environment (particularly 19th and 20th Century vernacular Estate buildings); and researched the evolution and design of the extensive gardens which once surrounded the Shipley Hall.


Management Report -
Taylor, B. (1987e) Final Report on the Shipley Environmental Education & Interpretation Team, March 1985 to March 1987 (Its research work and its presentation). Derbyshire County Council, 25 pp.

Personal contributions -
Taylor, B. (1986a) A computer database of 589 historical records, 1000AD to 1700AD. Derbyshire County Council.
Taylor, B., Norton, P. & Truman, J. (1986) The Gardens of Shipley Hall (a historical study, 1600 to 1922). Derbyshire County Council, 42 pp.
Smith, K., Brooks, J., Taylor, B. & Thornhill, W.A. (1987a) An illustrated catalogue of the architecture of Shipley Estate. Derbyshire County Council. In 5 large folders of annotated photographs.
Taylor, B. (1987a) Studies in history - the sources. pp 2-3. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor, Eds. Derbyshire County Council.
Taylor, B. (1987b) The earliest days, 1000AD to 1300AD. pp 8-13. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor, Eds. Derbyshire County Council.
Taylor, B. (1987c) Mapperley - early history, Domesday to 1600. pp 15-23. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor, Eds. Derbyshire County Council.
Taylor, B. (1987d) The gardens of Shipley Hall. pp 35-39. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor, Eds. Derbyshire County Council.

Team output -
TECHNICAL REPORTS (A4 format) - all held by Derbyshire County Council Planning & Countryside Department.
Ecological Studies -
Holmes, J.D. (1985a) Small mammal survey at Mapperley Nature Reserve. 42pp.
Holmes, J.D. (1985b) Shipley Country Park. A preliminary report on habitats to be found within the park boundary. 7pp.
Holmes, J.D., Clark, A., Lord, J., Stuart, I. & Tate, S. (1985) Parker's Pond, Mapperley Nature Reserve. A preliminary ecological survey. 14pp.
Lord, J. (1985) Ecological survey of Mapperley Reservoir. 24pp.
Lord, J., Stuart, I. & Tate, S. (1985) Depth surveys of Adam's Pond, Osborne's Pond and Mapperley Reservoir. Maps.
Rhodes, B. (1985) A checklist of fungal species found in Shipley Country Park. 8pp.
Greener, D. (1986) A survey of Adam's Pond. 10pp.
Holmes, J.D. (1986) Woodland survey at Abbot's Rough. 32pp.
Newham, P. (1986) The geology of Shipley. 22pp.
Rhodes, P. & Clark, A. (1986) The soils and landuse in Shipley Park. 29pp.
Taylor, T. (1986) A survey of Manchester Wood. 12pp.
Taylor, T. & Rhodes, B. (1986) The flora of Shipley Country Park. 46pp.
Gomes, M.N. (1987a) Dragonflies and damselflies at Shipley Country Park. 52pp.
Gomes, M.N. (1987b) Chiroptera (Bats) at Osborne's Pond. 12pp.
Gomes, M.N. (1987c) Coleoptera and Arachnida in Shipley Country Park. 10pp.
Taylor, T. (1987) Butterflies of Shipley Country Park. 23pp.

Historical Studies -
McLaren, C. (1987) Forests. Chap.2, pp5-6. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. Eds. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor.
Ibbotson, P.J. (1987) The Shipley Estate from 1600 to 1729. Chap.5, pp25-28. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. Eds. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor.
Quill, S. (1987) The first Edward Miller Mundy, owner of Shipley, 1767-1822. Chap.6, pp30-33. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. Eds. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor.
Suggett, E. (1987) The history of Shipley Railways. Chap.8, pp41-43. In The Shipley Estate. Studies in History. Eds. P.J. Ibbotson & B. Taylor.
Figg, J. & Ibbotson, P.J. (1986) Coalmining at Shipley. A compilation of historical records.
Ibbotson, P.J. (1987) The Shipley Estate, 1600-1729. A compilation of historical records.
Ibbotson, P.J., Wordsworth, P. & Quill, S. (1987) The Shipley Estate, 1729-1920. An extensive assemblage of source materials.
Quill, I. (1987) Mapping of bellpits in Shipley Wood.
Quill, S., Suggett, E., Draycott, A., Wordsworth, P. & Revill, G. (1987) The influence of the Miller Mundy family in 19th Century politics. Compilation and cataloguing of family papers and contemporary press reports.
Smith, S., Clark, A., Rhodes, P. & Revill, G. (1987b) Development of the Shipley Landscape. Summary report.
Wordsworth, P. & Ibbotson, P. (1986) Estate farms and families, 1600 to 1920. Compilation of historical materials (rent lists, wills and inventories, census returns and farming diaries).
Wordsworth, P. & Suggett, E. (1986) Mapperley Village, post-1620. Compilation of historical materials.

Miscellaneous reports -
Hare, A., McCabe, D., Riley, S. & Wilson, T. (1986) Shipley Country Park -Facilities for the disabled. 20pp. McCabe, D. & Riley, S. (1986) Shipley Country Park - Facilities for cycling. 45pp.
Mountford, F. & Glasswell, K. (1986) Archaeological potential of Shipley Country Park. 24pp.
Murphy, A., Noton, J., Wilson, T., Sanders, C., Towers, C. & Heath, S. (1987) Schools survey and information sheets for GCSE and GCE 'A' level teaching.

EDUCATIONAL & POPULIST MONOGRAPHS - on sale to the general public at Park Visitor Centre, etc.

Illustrated booklets -
Stuart, I., Tate, S. & Robson, P. (1986a) Shipley Hill Tree Trail. 16pp.
Stuart, I., Tate, S. & Robson, P. (1986b) Shipley Hill Tree Trail, with extra study notes. 32pp.
Holmes, J.D. & Robson, P. (1986a) Mapperley Reservoir Spring Nature Trail. 16pp.
Holmes, J.D. & Robson, P. (1986b) Mapperley Reservoir Summer Nature Trail. 16pp.
Rowell, A. (1987) Shipley Country Park Colouring Book.
Taylor, J. & Truman, J. (1986) Coarse fishing at Shipley Country Park. 20pp.

Broadsheets or illustrated leaflets (each with 8-10 columns/panels) -
Edwards, M. & Norton, P. (1986) Military Men of Shipley. Cut-out cards.
Edwards, M. (1986a) The Nutbrook Canal. Cartoon for children.
Edwards, M. (1986b) Life in Victorian Shipley. Cartoon for children.
Gomes, M.N. & Norton, P. (1986) Bats at Shipley. Cut-out mobile with notes.
Ibbotson, P.J. & Sawyer, L. (1985) The Shipley Estate until 1600. Leaflet.
Ibbotson, P.J. & Norton, P. (1986) The Shipley Estate, 1600 to 1729. Leaflet.
Ibbotson, P.J., Kinton, K. & Norton, P. (1986) The History of Shipley Hall. Leaflet.
Keeley, E., Roberts, J. & Sawyer, L. (1985) Heanor & Ilkeston: Hosiery and Lace. Leaflet.
Kinton, K. & Davis, G. (1986) Model of Shipley Hall. Cut-out cards.
Newham, P. & Sawyer, L. (1986) The Geology of Shipley Park. Leaflet.
Norton, P. (1986a) 3-D Diorama of Shipley Hall. Cut-out cards.
Norton, P. (1986b) Christmas Card of Shipley Hall.
Norton, P. & Thornhill, A. (1986) A-4 publicity poster of Shipley Country Park.
Quill, I. (1987) Model of Stable Yard. Cut-out cards.
Rhodes, B. & Rowell, A. (1986) A Guide to Fungi in Shipley Park. Leaflet.
Rhodes, B. & McLaren, C. (1987) Common Grasses in Shipley Park. Leaflet.
Sawyer, L. (1985) Map of Shipley Country Park. Leaflet.
Suggett, E. & Norton, P. (1986) The History of Shipley Railways. Leaflet.
Tate, S. & Quill, I. (1986a) Shipley Hill Discovery Trail. Leaflet.
Tate, S. & Quill, I. (1986b) Mapperley Reservoir Discovery Trail. Leaflet.
Tate, S. (1985) Wayfaring Course. Leaflet.
Thornhill, R. & Sawyer, L. (1985) The Nutbrook Canal. Leaflet.
Wordsworth, P. & Sawyer, L. (1986) Life in Victorian Shipley. Leaflet.

Audio-visual presentations -
Rathbone, N. & Stonier, D. (1986a) Shipley Country Park - a general presentation. Video (10 mins & Slide-tape).
Rathbone, N. & Stonier, D. (1986b) The History of Shipley Country Park - past and present. Video (20 mins).
Rathbone, N., Stonier, D. & Holmes, J.D. (1987) The Wildlife of Shipley Country Park. Two videos (10 mins & 20 mins).
Thornhill, R., Scott, C. & Rathbone, N. (1986) The Nutbrook Canal. Slide-tape & Video.

Static Displays and models for Park Visitor Centre and elsewhere -
Figg, J. Ibbotson, P.J. & Sawyer, L. (1986) Coalmining at Shipley. Exhibition Panels.
Garner, S., Scott, C. & Norton, P. (1986) Relief model of Shipley Country Park.
Keeley, E., Roberts, J. & Sawyer, L. (1985) Heanor & Ilkeston: Hosiery & Lace. Exhibition Panels.
Kinton, K. & Davis, G. (1986) 1:50 scale model of Shipley Hall; with associated Exhibition Panels.
Truman, J. (1986) Interpretive panel for Mapperley Reservoir.
Rhodes, B. & McLaren, C. (1986) Leaves and Grasses. Exhibition Panels.
Sawyer, L. & Rowell, A. (1986) Large scale Maps for Park information boards.
Smith, K., Brooks, J., Taylor, B., Thornhill, A. & Norton, P. (1986) The Architecture of the Shipley Estate. Exhibition Panels.
Thornhill, R. & Norton, P. (1986) The Nutbrook Canal. Exhibition Panels.

In a Press Release in March 1987, for an exhibition to mark the end of the scheme, Councillor Stan Mellors, Chair of Derbyshire's Countryside & Leisure sub-committee, said - "I am delighted with all the work which has been completed under this scheme. The resources which have been developed will be a valuable asset to users of the Country Park for many years to come". The late Harry Cowley, County Planning Officer, also wrote - "The scope, variety and quantity of work produced by SEE IT! has greatly impressed me and Members of the County Council". An independent observer, Bernard Haigh, Central Librarian for Derby, wrote to me in March 1987 - "My congratulations on so much achieved during the course of two years". Mrs. P.K. Marstrand, former Secretary for the Environment Division, Institute of Biology, conducted a survey of environmental projects in 1989, her view of the Shipley Project was - "It is among the best conceived and most completely realised of the projects at that time".

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©1998 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
