
Deepwater Rice - the Matlab and Chandpur sites used for ufra studies - Comilla District, Bangladesh

Situated in the Meghna floodplain, to the east and north-east of the town of Chandpur. The area is one of the worst for the ufra nematode disease. As with other Meghna floodplain sites, the flood water does not carry any great quantity of silt.

A very aquatic area - the "car park" for boats at Matlab Bazaar
So, we too had to go in a floating "taxi", Zahir Islam used the opportunity to dissect some DWR stems samples

We visited on 5 June 1982 - Lutfur Rahman checking his ufra study field at Chorniloki - the hedge is of dhanchia planted to keep out floating weeds
Zahirul Islam also took stem samples

again, this is an aquatic place all year round
the dwr was flooded to about 50 cm and growing lush

close by the local farmers were harvesting their aus crop
taking the harvest home in boats

Close to the main Comilla-Chandpur road were fields seriously affected by ufra
the light patches are of boro rice, which had been grown with irrigation, damaged by seedling blast disease enhanced by root knot infestation

See the ufra pages

©2000 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.

Visiting Academic in the Department of Life Science, University of Nottingham
