
Deepwater Rice - the Narshingdhi site - Dhaka District, Bangladesh

Situated in the Meghna floodplain, just north of the town of Narshindgdi, this site had severe stem borer damage pre-harvest in 1981. As with other Meghna floodplain sites, the flood water does not carry any great quantity of silt.

The dwr has just started to grow, May 1982
Sampling when flooded to waist height - Zahir Islam with the "floating table", 23 June 1982

Sampling when flooded to waist height
Sampling when flooded to waist height

More sampling in flooding ...

at peak flood...
a train goes by

Taking crop cuts at harvest

©2000 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.

Visiting Academic in the Department of Life Science, University of Nottingham
