

The route planning was new in the second year and, therefore, was underway only from April 1986.

Disabled persons group

Objectives: To research the special needs of disabled persons and to prepare a report on potential and actual routes and facilities for disabled persons wishing to use Shipley Country Park.

Considerable field work on routes was carried out and questionnaires were circulated to a large number of members of the client group. Liaison with disabled groups and with Social Services staff was established. A detailed report, Shipley Country Park - Facilities for the Disabled, and a draft route pamphlet were prepared. The main work was undertaken by A. Hare, with assistance from T. Wilson, D. McCabe and S. Riley.

Cyclists group

Objectives: To research potential and actual cycle routes within and outside the Park and to prepare a report on the needs for the future use of the Park by cyclists.

The field work was carried out; research into facilities, route planning so-on undertaken; and contacts established with other groups active in the area. The study of improved facilities primarily related to within the Country Park. Routes within the Park and on a wider scale based on the Park were examined. A draft pamphlet was prepared and a detailed report on needs, Shipley Country Park - Facilities for cycling, was written. Work carried out by D. McCabe and S. Riley.

School Packs

Proposal: To develop the educational resource of the park by preparation of teachers' information sheets.

The Tree Trail was an adjunct to this. Both elementary and advanced study level material is possible. The new GCSE posed a high potential demand but more knowledge of the syllabi was needed. Preliminary schools survey made by A. Murphy. School liaison continued by J. Noton. Preparation of information sheets being undertaken by T. Wilson, C. Sanders, C. Towers, S. Heath and others. A detailed summary of this work is given below.

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