The Ants of Africa
Genus Pheidole
Pheidole cuitensis Forel

capensis-group - major postpetiole much wider than long, with elongated lateral processes, head widest posteriorly

Pheidole cuitensis Forel

Major - return to key Minor - return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Angola (Pheidole cuitensis n. sp., Forel, 1910e: 437, major & minor); major & minor described (see Bolton, 1995) .

Forel's (1910e) description is at {original description}; he remarked on the polymorphic majors. Forel's (1913a) description of Pheidole (Allopheidole) cuitensis For. r.  reddenburgensis n. st. is at {original description}. Arnold (1920a: 450) gave an illustrated translation of reddenburgensis, this is at {original description} and {original description}. Emery (1915j: 246) cited this as a species and suggested its affinities were closer to P. foreli Mayr and P. tenuinodis Mayr and, thus, to the megacephala-group. However, he had reddenburgensis as under Pheidole capensis; as can be seen on that page, this appears to be correct.

Pheidole cuitensis majorThe photomontage of the type major worker is collated from

{Pheidole cuitensis minor}The photomontage of the headless type minor worker is collated from

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