The Ants of Africa
Genus Pheidole
Pheidole sculpturata Mayr particeps Santschi

Pheidole sculpturata Mayr particeps Santschi

return to keyMain species page {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location South Africa (Pheidole sculpturata nov. spec., Mayr, 1866b: 897, major; Emery, 1895h: 31, minor)
subspecies particeps (Pheidole Berthoudi For. var. particeps nov. var., Santschi, 1921c: 116, minor) from Tanzania, collected at Bukoba, by Viehmeyer - see below

{Pheidole particeps minor}The photomontage is of the particeps type minor from north-west Tanzania, collated from

Santschi (1921c) gave particeps minor as TL 3.2-3.5 mm. Santschi's (1921c) description of particeps is at {original description}

Oxford University Museum specimens

Pheidole sculpturata particeps
B Taylor det.
J Mathews
JM 240

11°51' N
34°15' E
Damazine Plantation, Blue Nile
pyrethrum fogging of Acacia senegal
in semi-natural forest


Pheidole sculpturata minorThe photomontage is of a minor worker from Sudan, Khordonia, Damazine Plantation, Blue Nile; collector J Mathews.

The long propodeal spines, dense sculpture on the alitrunk and the form of the frons differ from the type form. It matches almost exactly the type particeps from Bukoba, northern Tanzania (above).

© 2016 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
