The photomontage is
of a major worker from Cameroun;
Djazeng; aphid survey; collector A Fotso
Kuate (fk unmounted 74).
Size and form exactly match the sipapomae major (shown above).
Arnold (1920) gave the sipapomae
major as TL 5.3 mm, "Larger than the type of the species", with the
majors from Victoria Falls a little larger, TL 5.6 mm, and a good deal
The photomontage is
of a major worker from Cameroun;
CDC-Tiko; aphid survey; collector A Fotso
Kuate (fk unmounted 04).
The photomontage is
of a major worker from Central African Republic;
CDC-Tiko; aphid survey; collector P Annoyer (CAR DF 04).