Plectroctena ugandensis Menozzi
Type location Uganda
(Plectroctena ugandensis n.
sp., Menozzi, 1933: 99, illustrated, queen) - see below; (see Bolton,
1995) .
Reported as queen only (Bolton, 1974b: 334, not
illustrated). Bolton & Brown (2002) presumably having seen workers,
although they do not say so, incorporated this species in a key to
workers. It appears that the species is similar to subterranea
but smaller, colour dark red. I find the situation confusing, as Bolton
(1974b) originally had subterranea as from Ivory Coast, as well
as Malawi and Zimbabwe. Now the new key (Bolton &
Brown, 2002) has subterranea only from Kenya, Malawi,
Zimbabwe and Namibia; but has these new records of ugandensis
from West Africa.
 and . Bolton's modern description (1974b) is at
Holotype queen, collected at Bussu, Uganda, by E. Bayon.
Bolton (1974b) had a questionable finding from Zaire,
Coquilhatville, of two queens which he felt were ugandensis,
although the original Uganda holotype appears to have been lost.
Bolton & Brown (2002) reported findings from Ivory
Coast, Tai Forest, by T. Diomande; and Cameroun, nr
Yaoundé, by G. Terron, and Nzi, by A. Dejean. Their key separates
workers, so, presumably, despite there being no description, these
records refer to workers.
photomontage of the type queen is
collated from
The photomontage is
collated from
The specimen is from Zaïre, Epulu, 01°23'N 28°35'E, xi.1995, S
D Torti, ANTC1035; 750m, sifted litter, rain forest