The Ants of Africa
Genus Polyrhachis
Polyrhachis esarata Bolton

Polyrhachis esarata Bolton

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Ghana (Bolton, 1973b: 303, illustrated, full body dorsal view, alitrunk and pedicel profile, anterior petiole); holotype worker only known, collected by pkd at Bunso, by D. Leston, 7.vii.1969 (Bolton, 1973b) - see below .

{Polyrhachis esarata}Bolton's description (1973b) is at {original description}

WORKER - TL 7.2 mm; erect hairs present on the anterior clypeal margin and the gastral apex, plus the single pair on the dorsum of the head. Pubescence dense on alitrunk, with a pale brassy tint on the dorsum. Sculpturation everywhere of a fine dense reticulation. Colour black, legs, especially tibiae, very dark brown-black; palpi and antennal apex yellow-brown.

Rigato (2016) added: Polyrhachis esarata was described from a single worker. I consider as conspecific with it one worker and one
gyne from Dem. Rep. of the Congo and Equatorial Guinea, respectively. The worker is a little larger than the holotype and lacks the distinctive couple of hairs on the head dorsum, but the corresponding hair pits are present. Also, the eyes are only moderately convex and not strongly protruding as in the type.
Worker. HL 1.65, HW 1.30, CI 79, SL 2.13, SI 164, FW 0.38, FI 29, PW 1.08, WL 2.27, HTL 2.19.
Gyne. HL 1.72, HW 1.40, CI 81, SL 2.08, SI 149, FW 0.42, FI 30, ScW 1.57, MnL 1.97, WL 2.87, HTL 2.34.
Material examined. EQUATORIAL GUINEA: Bioko, Moka, 3°21’36”N 8°39’49”E, 1300 m, 1–11.x.1998, at lights (D. Ubick, D.K. Dabney, R.C. Drewes, J.V. Vindum, L. Henwood, R.W. Tomos, M. Boko, M.P. Ndung) (1 g, CAS). DEM. REP. of the CONGO: 56 km N Matadi, 28.vii.1957 (E.S. Ross & R.E. Leech) (1 w, CAS).

Polyrhachis esarataThe photomontage of the holotype worker is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
