The Ants of Africa
Genus Polyrhachis
Polyrhachis otleti Forel

Polyrhachis otleti Forel

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Zaïre (Polyrhachis (Myrma) Otleti n. sp., Forel, 1916: 449, all forms), collected at St. Gabriel, by H. Kohl - see below .

Polyrhachis otletiForel's (1916) description is at {original description}. Bolton's modern description (1973b: 336, illustrated, alitrunk and petiole only) is at {original description}.

{Polyrhachis otleti}Nigeria specimen (Taylor, 1978: 21). WORKER. TL 6.8-7.6 mm, HL 1.63-1.71, HW 1.33-1.37, SL 1.88-2.00, PW 1.13-1.23
Entire body with numerous long white hairs and fairly abundant long pubescence. Dorsum of alitrunk transversely convex, obvious margination restricted to the propodeum; the promesonotal suture is weakly incised and the metanotal groove indistinct. Petiole with moderately long dorsal and short lateral spines. Anterior surface of first gastral segment concave.

Other findings listed by Bolton (1973b) are from Ghana, at CRIG (D.J. Cross; C.A. Collingwood). In Nigeria, collected at CRIN (B. Bolton) from a nest in a deep, narrow rot hole in a shade tree in cocoa. The hole entrance was covered with a fibrous mat of silk and small pieces of bark.

Polyrhachis otletiThe photomontage of the type worker is collated from

Polyrhachis otleti maleThe photomontage of the type worker is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Polyrhachis otleti
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer

02°55'05.6" N
16°10'11.4" E
Camp 6; 18h30-6h,
Sur plate-forme à 38 m du sol dans un Ayous (Triplochiton scleroxylon, Sterculiaceae)
Polyrhachis otleti
B Taylor det.
Central African Republic
P Annoyer
392 m; nuit, UV, Azobé, sol, camp de base lac 1


{Polyrhachis otleti queen}The photomontage is of a queen from the Central African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha Nature Reserve; collector Philippe Annoyer (CAR GP).

{Polyrhachis otleti queen}The photomontage is of a queen from the Central African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha Nature Reserve; collector Philippe Annoyer (CAR PU).

© 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
