Pyramica (Smithistruma) truncatidens (Brown)
Type location Tanzania
(Smithistruma (Smithistruma)
truncatidens new species, Brown, 1950b: 43, illustrated, worker;
Bolton, 1983: 296, illustrated) - no type images on Antweb (February 2015)
junior synonym dendexa (Smithistruma dendexa, sp. n.,
Bolton, 1983: 290, worker, not illustrated; synonymy Bolton, 2000: 308) - see below
Brown's (1950b) description is at .
modern description (1983) is at . Bolton's revision (2000: 308) is at 
WORKER (Bolton, 1983) - TL 2.4-3.0 mm. HL 0.62-0.72, HW
0.46-0.54, SL 0.28-0.34, PW 0.30-0.35.
Bolton (2000) has TL 2.1-3.0 mm, HL 0.58-0.72, HW
0.41-0.54, SL 0.26-0.34, PW 0.26-0.35.
photomontage of a worker from Tanzania is collated
TL ca 2.2 mm, HL 0.47 HW 0.37 SL 0.23 PW 0.22 (some 15%
smaller than the dendexa
shown below and, hence, well
below the size range
given for truncatidens by
Bolotn (1983). The morphology, however, matches the Bolton (1983)
Pyramica (Smithistruma) dendexa (Bolton)
Type location Cameroun
(Smithistruma dendexa sp. n.,
Bolton, 1983: 290, not illustrated, worker), collected near Yaoundé by
G. Terron; holotype and 1 paratype worker only .
Bolton's description (1983) is at .
WORKER - TL 2.1 mm, HL 0.58-0.60, HW 0.41-0.42, SL
0.26-0.27, PW 0.26-0.28; colour dull yellow to
photomontage of a paratype worker of dendexa is collated