The Ants of Africa
Genus Strumigenys
Strumigenys scotti Forel

Strumigenys scotti Forel

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Seychelle Is. (Strumigenys scotti nov. sp., Silhouette I., Forel, 1912k: 159, worker; Bolton, 1983: 391 and see Bolton, 1995) .

{Strumigenys scotti}Forel's (1912k) description is at {original description}. Brown's (1954k: 23) notes are at {original description}. Bolton's modern description (1983) is at {original description}.

WORKER - TL 2.4-2.6 (Bolton, 1983: 391, illustrated).

Bolotn (1983) included specimens from from Saő Tomé I., Mkambrera (?Macambrará; B. Malkin, in Bolton, 1983). Both known locations are curious in being inland, at "1000 feet" on Silhouette, and Mkambrera is above 500 m asl. Later (Bolton, 2000) he separated those specimens as Strumigenys sibnya.

{Strumigenys scotti}The photomontage of the holotype is collated from

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