The Ants of Africa
Genus Technomyrmex
Technomyrmex (Engramma) laurenti (Emery)

Technomyrmex (Engramma) laurenti (Emery)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Zaïre (Tapinoma Laurenti n.sp., Emery, 1899e: 487, worker & queen; in Engramma by Emery, 1912g: 38; in Technomyrmex by Shattuck, 1992c: 161) collected by Laurent - see below
subspecies congolense (Emgramma Laurenti Em., v. congolensis n. var., Forel, 1916: 431, worker & queen; from a "myrmecophilous plant", in Wheeler, 1922) from Zaïre, collected by H Kohl - see
 worker and queen only described (Bolton, 1995:  402) .

Emery's (1899e) description is at {original description} and Forel's (1916) description of ssp congolensis is at {original description}.

Also from Cameroun (by Conradt, in Wheeler, 1922).

Mentioned by McKey (1984) as sometimes found to have cut an entrance hole into an internode of the myrmecophilous understorey tree, Leonardoxa africana africana (see McKey studies). Note - this was McKey's earliest paper on the topic and yet he makes no further reference to this species.

Head and alitrunk densely spiculate with overlaying dense fine decumbent pilosity. The mandibles have six large teeth subtended by 5 small but distinct teeth. Overall the specimens have a stocky appearance, with a relatively large head, and short quite thick funiculi. Propodeum with short convex dorsum and steep declivity.

{Technomyrmex laurenti}Bolton's (2007: 25) re-description is at {original description}.

Bolton (2007) appears to have lumped all specimens of approximately the same general form, i.e. with a strongly cordiform head and deep semi-circular clypeal notch into a single species. Although he acknowledges smaller specimens have a higher SI and relatively larger eyes he does not give any information on variation (if any) within specimens recorded from a specific nest. Colour variation is discounted as of any significance.

I have sighted workers from two sites (nests) on separate plant species in Cameroun. The difference is consistent and so marked that I cannot accept Bolton's lumping. Thus, specimens of Technomyrmex kohli (Forel) are kept separate. They are an exact match for Forel's description - with no erect setae or evidence of setal insertions on the alitrunk, apart from two pairs on the pronotum and a pair at the apex of the propodeum. They have a very different pattern of pubescence to laurenti and are much shinier and generally lighter.

Now (October 2012) the availability on Antweb of two specimens from among those listed by Bolton show that my thinking may well be correct. The one at the bottom of this page was from Mbalmayo, Cameroun, whereas that he listed from Campo, Cameroun matches the worker I recognised as kohli in 2001 (work completely ignored or at least unacknowledged by Bolton).

{Technomyrmex laurenti}The photomontage of a syntype worker is collated from -

Oxford University Museum specimens

Technomyrmex laurenti
B Taylor det.
G Debout & A Dalecky
Cameroon 18

2°34.05' N
9°54.01' E
from pouch-like stipules of Diospyros conocarpa
2 points with 6 specimens


{Technomyrmex laurenti}The photomontage is of specimens collected in Cameroun - south-western tropical coastal forest area between Edéa and Campo (McKey Wolbachia project, Cameroon 18) from location GRO (Grotte - at 2°34.05' N 9°54.01' E), 25 March 2001; from pouch-like stipules of Diospyros conocarpa.

{Technomyrmex laurenti}The photomontage of a worker from Cameroun, Mbalmayo, collector N Stork, is collated from -

It is among those listed by Bolton (2007: 25).

© 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
