The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetramorium species-groups - Part 4
Tetramorium Introduction

Species groups - Part 4 - former Tetramorium (Tetramorium)
species with short antennal scapes and small eyes or larger eyes and squamiform petioles

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DIV3 12-segmented antennae (Tetramorium)
{12-segmented antenna}
Scape index < 100 (scape shorter than head width; usually does not reach occiput)
TD3 Eyes very small to minute; width less than maximum width of scape
Otherwise next stage of key tertiary division
shilohense-group Diameter of eye usually < 0.17 X HW
Complex-1 With bizarre pilosity and irregular outline to alitrunk
26 Dorsum of head between frontal carinae with 3-5 very coarse rugae; flattened hairs on gaster scale-like; TL 3.1-3.5 mm; uniform brown
{Tetramorium diomandei}
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. {Tetramorium diomandei} Tetramorium diomandei Ivory Coast
26 Dorsum of head between frontal carinae with 9-12 fine rugae; flattened hairs on gaster long and spatulate; TL 3.1-3.4 mm; reddish brown
{Tetrmorium somniculosum}
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. {Tetrmorium somniculosum} Tetramorium somniculosum Mozambique
Complex-2 Without bizarre pilosity and irregular outline to alitrunk
83 & 104 Dorsum of alitrunk gaster with abundant fine erect pilosity; TL 2.8-3.1 mm; uniform yellow
{Tetramorium intonsum}
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. {Tetramorium intonsum} Tetramorium intonsum West Africa
- Dorsum of alitrunk gaster with spaced out relatively elongate and stout erect pilosity
105 Pronotal dorsum regularly longitudinally rugulose; TL 2.4-2.8 mm; uniform yellow to yellowish-brown
Tetramorium shilohense
Tetramorium shilohense southern East Africa
106 Pronotal dorsum rugoreticulate or irregularly rugose; sides of head reticulate-rugose; TL 2.2-2.6 mm; yellow tinged with brown
{Tetramorium jugatum}
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. {Tetramorium jugatum} Tetramorium jugatum West Africa and Angola
106 Pronotal dorsum rugoreticulate or irregularly rugose; sides of head punctulate or granular; head relatively large; TL 2.5-2.8 mm; yellow
Tetramorium termitobium
Tetramorium termitobium Congo Basin
Complex-3 Irregular outline to alitrunk but eye reduced to a single facet and frontal carinae very feeble
109 Dorsal alitrunk sculptured; TL 2.4 mm; uniform yellow
tetramorium dysderke
Tetramorium dysderke Nigeria
Complex-4 Reduced sculpturation, eye reduced to 1-5 ommatidia and frontal carinae vestigial
108 Eye with 3-4 ommatidia; TL 2.6-3.1 mm; yellow
{Tetramorium amaurum}
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. {Tetramorium amaurum} Tetramorium amaurum Zimbabwe
111 Eye of single ommatidium; lateral clypeus strongly raised; TL 2.1-2.3 mm; uniform clear pale yellow
{Tetramorium warreni}
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. {Tetramorium warreni} Tetramorium warreni South Africa
111 Position of eye marked by a small dark patch; lateral clypeus low and not raised; TL 2.0-2.1 mm; uniform clear pale yellow
{Tetramorium typhlops}
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. {Tetramorium typhlops} Tetramorium typhlops Ivory Coast
112 Eye of a single ommatidium; mandibles feebly sculptured; TL 2.4-3.0 mm; yellow
{Tetramorium subcoecum}
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. {Tetramorium subcoecum} Tetramorium subcoecum Southern East Africa
112 Eye of two ommatidia; mandibles strongly striate; TL 2.8-3.0 mm; yellow
{Tetramorium traegaordhi}
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<. {Tetramorium traegaordhi} Tetramorium traegaordhi South Africa & Congo Basin

TD4 Eyes larger > 0.20 X HW, wider than maximum width of scape
QD1 Petiole and sometimes postpetiole squamiform
Otherwise next stage of key quarternary division
squaminode-group -
Complex-1 Eyes set well back on head
45 Alitrunk dorsum finely and predominantly longitudinally rugose; TL 3.0-3.4 mm; glossy mid-brown, gaster darker
{Tetramorium repentinum}
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. Tetramorium repentinum
Tetramorium repentinum Zimbabwe
45 Alitrunk dorsum coarsely rugo-reticulate; TL 3.3-3.6 mm; uniform dark brown
Tetramorium sitefrum
Tetramorium sitefrum Ghana
Complex-2 Eyes about midlength of head
46 Pronotum and mandibles smooth; no hairs on first gastral tergite; TL 2.5-2.6 mm; uniform brown, appendages lighter
{Tetramorium matopoense}
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. {Tetramorium matopoense} Tetramorium matopoense Zimbabwe
- Strongly sculptured, mandibles striated
Otherwise next stage of key
- Pronotum dorsum sculptured, first gastral tergite with hairs
47 First gastral tergite with conspicuous basal costulae; dorsum of head completely rugo-reticulate; TL 2.8-3.2 mm; yellow, gaster darker
{Tetramorium umtaliense}
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. {Tetramorium umtaliense} Tetramorium umtaliense Zimbabwe
- First gastral tergite without basal costulae; dorsum of head rugulose
49 Petiole with distinct transverse sharp transverse crest; TL 3.3-3.9 mm; brown
{Tetrmorium squaminode}
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. {Tetrmorium squaminode}
Tetramorium squaminode Tanzania
- Petiole with rounded apex
52 Postpetiole very broad and with weak sculpturation; TL 3.3 mm; mid-brown, head and gaster darker
{Tetramorium platynode}
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. {Tetramorium platynode} Tetramorium platynode South Africa
53 Postpetiole not so broad and unsculptured; dorsum of head finely reticulate; TL 2.5 mm; yellow brown, appendages and underside of gaster lighter - the Tanzania specimens differ slightly
{Tetramorium dogieli}
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. {Tetramorium dogieli} Tetramorium dogieli Kenya & Tanzania
53 Postpetiole not so broad and unsculptured; dorsum of head longitudinally rugose; TL 3.2-3.4 mm; dark brown, gaster darker
{Tetramorium nube}
. {Tetramorium nube} Tetramorium nube South Sudan
- Less strongly sculptured, mandibles smooth
48 First gastral tergite with dense, long sharp hairs; TL 3.7-4.0 mm; dark brown to blackish
{Tetramorium akermani}

. {Tetramorium akermani} Tetramorium akermani southern Africa
- First gastral tergite with short stout hairs, generally sparse
50 Postpetiole strongly compressed in profile, as squamate as petiole; TL 3.0-3.2 mm; mid-brown, gaster darker
{Tetramorium do}
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. {Tetramorium do} Tetramorium do Zimbabwe
- Postpetiole not strongly compressed in profile and differing from petiole
54 Eyes relatively small, < 0.24 X HW; dorsum of head strongly longitudinally rugose; TL 2.7-4.0 mm; uniform light brown
Tetramorium frigidum
Tetramorium frigidum South Africa
55 Eyes larger, > 0.26 X HW; dorsum of head weakly sculptured; frontal carinae wide apart, postpetiole node somewhat compressed; TL 2.4-3.2 mm; yellowish-brown, gaster much darker
Tetramorium flaviceps
Tetramorium flaviceps Zimbabwe
55 Eyes larger, > 0.26 X HW; dorsum of head weakly sculptured; frontal carinae closer together; postpetiole node low and rounded; TL 2.7-3.2 mm; uniform pale yellow
{Tetramorium jejunum}
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. {Tetramorium jejunum} Tetramorium jejunum Zimbabwe
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© 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
