Tetramorium depressiceps Menozzi
Type location Israel
(Tetramorium semilaevessp. depressiceps n. ssp., Menozzi,
1933b: 71, illustrated, all forms described; raised to species by
Collingwood, 1985: 264).
Menozzi's (1933b) description is at and .
Collingwood (1985) separated it out by - tibiae with stout suberect
hairs; petiole node unsculptured and shiny; head and alitrunk with no
more than weak sculpturation; dorsum of head depressed medially;
alitrunk sculpture weak, propodeal spines short but acute.
He noted it as common in the upland pastures of the Asir Mountians in Saudi
Arabia; recorded from several Middle East countries, including
Lebanon, Palestine and the type locality, Sinai.
Egypt records - Mohamed et al. (2001) had
it (misspelt as depressicepes and deprrssicepes) as a
new record for the Sinai (Egyptian).
Sharaf list - material examined: Sallant (El-Mansoura), 19.viii.2003
(4); Wadi El-Arbaein, St.Catherine (South Sinai), 3.iv.1998 (1) (SHC);
Wadi El-Talaa, St.Catherine (South Sinai), 15.xi.1998 (1)
Leg.M.R.Sharaf (ASUC).
The photomontage is of specimens from Egypt, taken by Mostafa Sharaf.