Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) lanuginosum Mayr
Iran list Type location Java
(Tetramorium lanuginosum nov.
spec.; Mayr, 1870b: 976, worker; Triglyphothrix
lanuginosa Mayr, Viehmeyer, 1916a: 140, illustrated, worker
alitrunk, queen)
junior synonyms
australis (Triglyphothrix
striatidens Em. v. australis
n. var., Forel, 1902h: 449, worker & queen)
from Australia - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0909094
ceramensis (Triglyphothrix
ceramensis n. sp., Stitz, 1912: 506, worker) from Indonesia
felix (Triglyphothrix
striatidens Em. var. felix
nov., Forel, 1912k: 160, worker) from Seychelle
Is. - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0901052
flavescens (Triglyphothrix
striatidens Emery var. flavescens
var. nov., Wheeler, 1929g: 55, worker) from Singapore
laevidens (Triglyphothrix
striatidens Emery v. laevidens
n. var., Forel, 1900e: 284, worker) from Mexico - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0909096
mauricei (Triglyphothrix
mauricei sp. n., Donisthorpe, 1946c: 778) from Mauritius
orissana (Triglyphothrix
striatidens Em. r. orissana
n. stirps, Forel, 1902c: 239, worker) from India - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0909095
striatidens (Tetramorium
obesum André razza striatidens
n. stirps, Emery, 1889b: 501, worker) from Burma - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0904798
tricolor (Triglyphothrix
tricolor sp. n., Donisthorpe, 1948g: 136, worker &
queen) from New Guinea - queen
see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0901051
synonymy by Bolton (1976: 350).
(1870b) description is at . Viehmeyer's
(1916a) illustrated note and description of the queen is at . Bolton's (1976) modern description is at ; the separation in his Oriental key is at .
Pantropical tramp species; TL 2.2-3.0 mm. Apart from
Tunisia (Emery, 1891b: 4, Triglyphothrix
obesus André race striatidens,
Tozzer), Bolton gave no records from Africa. Emery
(1891b: 4, with a footnote placing the species in the new Forel genus Triglyphothrix) noted M. André had
written to him that he had received a specimen from Sierra Leone, but
there seems to be no other record of this. André (1890) described
species from Sierra Leone but included no Tetramorium. He (André, 1892a) described Triglyphothrix gabonensis from
Gabon and commented on the Forel genus definition but mentioned no
other genus members from Africa.