The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetramorium Tetramorium renae Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters
Tetramorium renae Hita Garcia, Fischer &
Type location São Tomé
& Principé (Tetramorium renae, sp. n., Hita
Garcia, Fischer & Peters, 2010: 75,
illustrated worker); worker only
known .
The Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters (2010) description
protected by copyright.
photomontage is of a worker from Isla São Tomé, Ôbó N.P.,
1.63 km WSW Bom
Successo, 00° 16' 34" N, 06° 36' 20" E, 1351m, 5.-8.V.2001, #562,
leg. J.M. Ledford (CASC: CASENT0095412).