The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetraponera
Tetraponera natalensis (F Smith)

Tetraponera natalensis (F Smith)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location South Africa (29. Pseudomyrma natalensis, F Smith, 1858b: 160, in Tetraponera, F. Smith, 1877b: 69; queen; Emery, 1895h: 22, worker) - see queen below
cuitensis (Sima natalensis Sm. var. cuitensis n. subsp., Forel, 1911d: 368, worker) from Angola, between the rivers Cubango and Cuito, Baum & Van den Kellen
obscurata (Sima natalensis F. Sm. var. obscurata n. var., Emery, 1895h: 22, worker; Arnold, 1916: 177, queen & male) from South Africa
unavailable names
bulawayana (Sima natalensis Sm. r. cuitensis v. bulawayana n. v., Forel, 1913a: 112, worker) from Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, collector Arnold;
all forms described (see Bolton, 1995) .

With the availability of type images, I have raised Tetraponera caffra to full species status, with quaniama as a junior synonym.

Forel also defined a new variety usambarensis from Tanzania (Forel, 1911d: 367, worker; Santschi, 1914b: 70, queen) but this differs so much from the type; comes from a location 1000s of kilometres to the north; and, seems so nearly identical to Forel's description, two pages earlier, of Tetraponera prelli; that I have removed usambarensis to a junior synonym of prelli.

{Tetraponera natalensis}F Smith's (1858b) description of the queen, is at {original description}. Emery's (1895h) description of the worker, with that of obscurata, is at {original description}. Forel's (1911d) description of cuitensis is at {original description} and his (1913a) description of cuitensis var. bulawayana is at {original description}. Santschi's (1914e) description of caffra is at {original description}. Arnold (1916: 176) gave a straight translation of natalensis, this is at {original description}, his translation (1916: 177) of obscurata and caffra is at {original description}, and his translation (1916: 177) of cuitensis var. bulawayana is at {original description}.

Smith (1876d) reported observations by J.M. Hutchison, at Weenen in South Africa, of the species making formicaria in the thorns of a species of acacia.

Comparison of forms

Separate species note difference in head shape - more elongated


Tetraponera natalensisThe photomontage of the type queen is collated from

Tetraponera natalensis obscurata workerThe photomontage of the obscurata worker is collated from

Tetraponera natalensis bulawayensis workerThe photomontage of the bulawayensis worker is collated from

Tetraponera natalensis cuitensis workerThe photomontage of the cuitensis worker is collated from

{Tetraponera natalensis queen}David King sent me these photographs, taken in Botswana, of what appear to workers of natalensis.

{Tetraponera natalensis queen}The photomontage of what appears to be the queen of natalensis is collated from

{Tetraponera natalensis queen}The photomontage of an apparent fresh male of natalensis is collated from

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