Acropyga arnoldi Santschi
Type location South
Africa (Acropiga (Malacomyrma) arnoldi n. sp., Santschi,
1926b: 245, not illustrated, worker & queen) collected at Durban, by C.P. Merre and
sent to G Arnold - see
junior synonym rhodesiana (Acropiga
(Malacomyrma) rhodesiana n. sp., Santschi, 1928f: 211, worker:
synonymy by Prins, 1982: 238) from Zimbabwe, Rifle Kopje,
9.xi.1924, G Arnold
all forms described (male by Prins, 1982: 245; see Bolton, 1995) see
Prins (1982) made a comprehensive study of the species, with details on
all the forms, ecology and habits .
The photomontage is collated from the site at
(for the montage, I have enhanced the contrast. The original image is
paler in colour).
Collection details - Central African Republic: Prefecture
Sangha-Mbaéré; Réserve Spéciale de Forêt Dense de Dzanga-Sangha, 12.7
km 326° NW Bayanga; 03°00'18"N 016°11'36"E; 420m. Collection codes:
BLF4100. Date: 10-17 May 2001. Collected by: B.L.Fisher. Method: EC19
sifted litter. Habitat: rainforest. Transect Type: MW 50 sample
transect, 5m Transect Sample No. 49. This seems a reasonable match for A.
arnoldi, perhaps specially the description of rhodesiana.