The Ants of Africa
Genus Aenictus
Aenictus humeralis Santschi

Aenictus humeralis Santschi

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Mali (Aenictus humeralis n. sp., Santschi, 1910g: 752, illustrated, male) Bamako, 1900, A Chevalier - see the headless damaged type at
chevalieri (Aenictus humeralis var. Chevalieri n. var., Santschi, 1910g: 754, male) from Senegal, collected at Casamance, by Chevalier - see the damaged type at
viridans (Aenictus humeralis Santschi var. viridans n. var., Santschi, 1915c: 248, male) from Benin, collected at Kouandé, by Desanti - see below
males only described (see Bolton, 1995, where the type location is wrongly given as "Sudan"). The type location was confirmed as Mali, i.e French Sudan, by Santschi (1930a: 56), reporting a further finding, by Andrieu, of males from Koulouba, a suburb of the type location Bamakou .

Aenictus humeralis male genitaliaSantschi's (1910g) illustrated description is at {original description}; and Santschi's (1910g) description of chevalieri is at {original description}.

Santschi (1915c) described the male of viridans as - TL 8-8.5 mm. Colour yellow brown with an olive tone; thoracic dorsum darker; head black; mandibles and legs red-brown; veins of wings greenish brown. Extremity of paramere a little more scalloped on the dorsum and the volsellae are slightly shorter, otherwise as the type. In the type the head is yellow rust and chevalieri has an entirely rust coloured head. Specimens from Benin [Haut-Dahomey], Kouandé, by Desanti, 6 males.

Aenictus humeralis viridanThe photomontage is of the viridans holotype male collated from

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