Anoplolepis (Zealleyella) parsonsi Santschi -
new status
Type locality South
Africa (Anoplolepis
(Zealleyella) braunsi For. stirps Parsonsi n. st., Santschi, 1937g:
83, worker) from South Africa, Barberton, F S Parsons
all forms described; in subgenus Zealleyella (Bolton, 1995) .
Santschi's (1937g)
description of parsonsi is at . TL 3-5 mm. The cursory
description and the Antweb type images clearly separate this from Anoplolepis steingroeveri and Anoplolepis braunsi.
alitrunk profile is more even and, notably, there is quite dense
pubescence on the head and all over the body, which is not the case in steingroeveri.
There is a much greater similarity to a damaged syntype minor worker of
fallax and comparison of fresh specimens might show this to be
a junior synonym of that species.