The Ants of Africa
Distribution Card
Species 1 Author 2 Year 3 Country 4 Location Collector Information 5
Aenictus hamifer Emery 1896i Somalia Maddo Wells V Bottego new species, male (not Kenya)
Aenictus hamifer Forel 1910c Eritrea Ghinda A Ilg males
Aenictus hamifer Wheeler 1922xr Ethiopia Webi-Ganale Rivers V Bottego males
Aenictus hamifer Wheeler 1922xr Eritrea Ghinda K Escherisch males
Aenictus hamifer Viehmeyer 1923x Sudan Umm Ramad, Nubbaka; Sungikai_Dilling H Werner & R Ebner males
Aenictus hamifer Menozzi 1927f Somalia Bidi Scionde Saverio Patrizi males
Aenictus hamifer Menozzi 1930b Somalia Villagio Duca degli Abruzzi & Mogadishu Paoli & Chiaromonte A few males at light traps, March-September 1926
Aenictus hamifer Santschi 1933b Sudan Khartoum H B Johnson male at light
Aenictus hamifer Santschi 1935b Ethiopia Nanoropus, L Rudolph Jeannel & Chappuis 4 males
Aenictus hamifer Menozzi 1952x Ethiopia El Dire; El Meti; Caschei; Caro Prof E Zavattari expedition many males; 21.v.1939; 28.viii.1939; 15.vii.1939; 9.vii.1939
© 2006 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
