Cataglyphis sabulosus Kugler
Type location Israel
(Kugler, J., 1981: 84, illustrated, worker, queen & male) Ashdod - see below
1985: 291, illustrated, noted it as from Sinai; Agosti
(1990: 1485); also listed in Collingwood & Agosti (1996: 382).
Collingwood noted it does not have a soldier caste and described how
"the pale yellow workers do not raise the gaster when foraging but flit
rapidly over the sand like pale ghosts and are very hard to catch" -
Collingwood's illustration, however, does not match the petiole as
drawn by Kugler!. Moreover, Kugler has "Length 3-6 mm" and "The colour
as "yellow to orange, in some major workers gaster brown; head
alitrunk, petiole, gaster and coxa usually with dense white-silvery
pubescence". Thus, Collingwood's statement and the key in Colliingwood
& Agosti appear to be unsatisfactory.