Solenopsis lou Forel
Type location Algeria
(Forel, 1902a: 152, queen & male, also Forel, 1903b: 459; Santschi,
1911f: 81, worker) - see below junior synonym aurata (Solenopsis latro
ssp aurata, Karavaiev, 1912a: 11, illustrated, worker
[unavailable]; synonymy of lou, Karavaiev, 1927b: 108) - see
(1902a) description is at . Santschi's (1911f)
description of the
worker is at . Karaviaev's (1927b) further, illustrated,
description of the worker is at .
WORKER (Santschi, 1911a) - TL 1.8-2.5 mm; yellow rust;
smooth and shiny with discreet piligerous puncturation; head elongated
as orbula, weakly narrowed close to the posterior corners and
the sides slightly arcuate; eyes as fugax (6-9 facets).
illustration of the queen was given without any notes by Santschi
Egypt records - Finzi (1936: 180) - a series of
males collected at Helouan, 13.iii.1935. Sharaf list - material
examined: Saloga Islands (Aswan), 2.v.2002 (1) (SHC).
photomontage of the type
worker is collated from
photomontage is of what appears to be a minor specimen from Saloga
Islands (Aswan), 2.v.2002, 24.05º N, 32.56 º E, 1 worker, collected by
M. R. Sharaf).
The photomontage is of what appears to be a major
specimen from Mafareq (South Sinai), 5.iii.1998, 28.42º N, 33.19º E.,
collector M. R. Sharaf.
The photomontage shows a comparison of the above major
specimen with the Santschi major.